Desist Disturbing Dreamy Dragon Caves
Made during Code Coven IGM 🌙 Spring 2021 Week 08
- 2D randomly generated dungeon crawler
- Move character with arrow keys (or WASD)
- Spacebar to attack 🔥
- Story: You’re Dora Gon, a mighty dragon 🐲 who stepped out of their home to get some grub. You come back and realize the whole place is infested with “heroes” trying to slay you and steal your hard-mined gold... ☠️
- Credits
- Start screen music: Beethoven - Bagatelle op.119 nº9 by Circus Marcus
- Dungeon music: Celtic Warrior by Damiano Baldoni
- Fireball sound effects: JM_FX_Fireball 01.wav
- Dragon sound effects: Dinosaur/Dragon Roar
- Knight voices: Benjamin E. Porter (roommate and swell dude)
- End screen music: Night in a seashell by Komiku
- Font: Dogica
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